About Our Community

our league
Blackmud Creek Community League

Blackmud Creek Community League (BCCL) was formed in 2006 and includes the neighborhoods of Allard, Blackburne Creek, Blackmud Creek (aka Southbrook), Callaghan, Cashman, Cavanagh, and Richford: league map. A new residential neighbourhoood currently under development called Cavanagh will also be part of BCCL. Our closest neighbour is the Heritage Point Community League.

We’ve made up a one-page fact sheet for sharing: BCCL Fact Sheet.

If you are new to Edmonton, we recommend reading the City of Edmonton Newcomer’s Guide.

If you have lived here for a while then you know that there’s a lot happening around us.

Did you know that its your community league that brings you the green shack program in the summer? Outdoor soccer in the summer? That with a membership you get a free community league swim every Sunday?

For information about political representation, census data, land use planning, transportation, and traffic please visit our civics page.

If you ever have a question or concern about our community please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Blackmud Creek Community League

Public Transit

The Edmonton Transit System Trip Planner utility is a helpful tool for getting where you need to go, on time. The nearest LRT station is Century Park (111th Street & 23rd Avenue). That station now only has limited parking. We recommend using the Park & Ride facility located at the intersection of Ellerslie Road SW and 127th Street instead. Allard and Callaghan are serviced by the #47 and #347 bus routes. Blackburne is serviced by the #48 bus route. Southbrook is serviced by the #49 bus route.


We have an extensive set of trails along Blackmud Creek, and worked with the City of Edmonton to complete a community walking map for our league and part of the neighbouring league, Heritage Point.

Beware that coyotes live in our area. Keep these safety tips in mind.


Parks and the River Valley

Please keep your dogs on a leash unless you are at one of more than 40 City of Edmonton Designated Off-Leash Areas

Emergency Services

Edmonton Police Service Southwest Division

Grey Nuns Hospital

We are currently serviced by Fire Station No. 27 in the neighborhood of Summerside. However, a new Fire Station on the South side of Rutherford, Station No. 28, is nearing completion.